EAL - English as an Additional Language
At JFK the EAL (English as an Additional Language) pupils are provided with an extremely strong support system which leads to rapid progress in using English with confidence, both socially and academically. We are very lucky to have a dedicated EAL department with four specialist teachers. Additionally, all of our staff are highly experienced in ensuring that every learner can access the curriculum.
Upon arrival our EAL students are assessed and allocated appropriate intervention according to their personal needs. Most EAL pupils attend small group interventions in our student support centre, learning the English they need to take part fully in school life. Beginners are often provided with one to one tuition to accelerate their progress and all pupils are offered the option of additional after-school tuition. Many pupils are also provided with in-class support which helps them to take part more actively in mainstream curriculum learning.
We use a range of high quality, contemporary resources to ensure that language is scaffolded and lessons are differentiated ensuring that EAL pupils access the same curriculum as their peers. JFK places a high value on bilingualism and diversity: we strongly encourage all our students to maintain their mother tongue and use every opportunity to celebrate our combined home languages, cultures and traditions.
Every year our pupils are offered the opportunity to prepare for the International Cambridge English examinations at their appropriate level. These exams take place in June and our EAL teachers provide after school preparation sessions before the exams. Bilingual pupils are all welcome to sign up for these exams!

DELF - Diplôme d'Etudes en Langue Française

The French Ministry of Education awards the DELF French Language Diplomasolely to foreign candidates whose mother tongue is not French. It provides official certification of proficiency, practice and mastery of the French language and is equivalent to the Cambridge Englishexaminations. DELF is issued “for life” and recognised globally.
Students from Year 4 and above with sufficient competence are entered for one of the first two levels of the DELF exam (A1 and A2).Each level is split according to age i.e. primary for those under twelve or junior for those over twelve years of age.
Student selection is generally based on the December school exam results. The official tests are usually held in May at an external centre.
Le multilinguisme étant désormais d’une importante capitale, tous nos élèves suivent des cours de français et ce dès leur plus jeune âge.
Grâce aux examens du DELF, les cours de français ont une finalité concrète pour nos élèves qui voient leurs efforts valorisés et récompensés par l’obtention d’un examen. Depuis 2015, le taux de réussite est de 100% au sein de notre école.
Les examens du DELF sont reconnus internationalement et valable sans limite de temps. Ils permettent d’évaluer les compétences des candidats à l’oral et à l’écrit. C’est un diplôme officiel très apprécié dans le monde professionnel.
Les étudiants sont sélectionnés durant le trimestre d’hiver et l’examen a lieu en mai dans un des centres accrédités.
More information available at :