Flywire allows you to pay securely from any country and any bank, usually in your own currency. By using Flywire, you will save money on bank fees and poor exchange rates. You will also receive e-mail and text updates on your payment status and you can create your own Flywire account to track your payment online 24/7. Throughout the process, Flywire’s multilingual customer support can help you with any occurring questions.
John F. Kennedy International School has partnered with Flywire to provide you with an easy and secure method of sending international payment. Flywire allows you to pay securely from any country and any bank, typically in your home currency.
Flywire allows you to:
- Track your payment from start to finish
- Pay from any country and any bank
- Save on bank fees and exchange rates
- Receive peace of mind with dedicated multilingual customer support
According to the currency selected, you can pay through:
- Credit cards
- Domestic bank transfer
- International bank transfer
- Other local options such as Paypal, Wechatpay….