Admissions Process
Selecting the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you, as a parent, can make. JFK offers an outstanding education designed to enrich the lives of all students, by offering both academic and sporting opportunities to challenge and extend, exploring all the possibilities available. We will be pleased to assist you with any queries you have about our school.
Future applications
We are open at all times to applications to our school. Where the number of applicants exceeds the number of students in a particular class, a waiting list system operates. Date of application is critical to this list. Therefore early applications are advised. Thank you for your interest in JFK.
There are essentially four steps involved in joining JFK:
- Contact the Admissions department
- We strongly receommend a visit to our school when possible
- Complete and submit an application form
- Send scanned copies of grade reports for the last 2 academic years
- Send scanned copies of the child’s passport and vaccination records
- Provide a short reference letter in English from a current teacher Evaluation/Placement Test
- Evaluation and assessment of the Admission Committee
- Notification of application outcome- Payment of the Enrolment Fees
- School Fees Payment
- Visa & Swiss Student Permit procedure
Our administration staff are available to guide you through the process. Please contact us should you have any questions relating to the process or your application.
1. Review our website or contact us for information and to organise a visit
We strongly receommend a visit to our school where you can see the classrooms as well as meet teaching and boarding staff.
The Download Centre contains the necessary forms. Please take the time to look through the website to discover the outstanding learning opportunities available through life at JFK.
2. Completing and submitting an Application Form
Before making application for your child to study at JFK, please ensure you have read and understood our Admissions Policy.
Completing an application form
The application process starts with the submission of an Online Application together with the required supporting documents and application fee.
Supporting Documents
For all applicants:
- copy of passport
- an official copy of the last two school reports (which much include the latest end of year report) and any standardised test results
- copies of any specialist reports relating to learning abilities, such as an educational psychologist’s report
- registration fee or fees
Submitting the Application Form
Application forms should be submitted online and electronic (scans) of the other required documents can be sent by email
3. Admissions evaluation and assessment
Following submission of an application, you will receive an email acknowledgement from us. You should feel free to contact us at any time regarding your application.
Tests and Assessments
All applications are reviewed by the Head of School to determine whether the entrance criteria for the class applied for will be met at the point of admission. The Head’s decision with respect to whether the criteria will be met, is final.
If assessment or testing is required, we will contact you to make the arrangements.
4. Notification of application outcome – offers and unsuccessful applicants
Successful applicants
Successful applicants will be contacted, in the first instance by email to advise that a place is available and to begin the formal process. If we are not able to make contact after several attempts, the place may be offered to another applicant. It is therefore vital that you keep us informed of any changes to your contact details.
Contact our Admissions' Officer